Health, Safety and Environment

Why training is important to us?

Construction is regarded as a high risk industry and with working at heights being one of the HIGH 5 it is important that our employees have a good understanding of Health and Safety and know what they can do to avoid unnecessary risks.

At North East Contracts we understand that the training of their workforce is an essential step towards improving the level of Health & Safety on-site and maintaining an alertness towards H&S throughout our workforce. H&S is a key priority for all at North East Contracts and we hold in the highest regard the safety and well-being of our workforce and others who may be affected by our operations. We strive to maintain a good working environment for everyone. That is why we will always remain committed to a fully trained and competent workforce.

By regular training, toolbox talks, risk assessments and site inspections we aim to maintain a low risk working environment on all its sites. This is achieved through our partnership with Safety Scotland as their appointed Health and Safety Consultants, who assist and monitor us in maintaining a good level of Health and Safety throughout the company. Our commitment to regular training is achieved through our membership of the ACT (Angus Construction Training) group and commitment to an annual plan for training each year with CITB.

North East Contracts are committed to the protection of the environment in which we live and operate. Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way in which we do business. We recognise that our operations result in an impact to the environment and the generation of waste. It is our aim to reduce the environmental impacts of our business and to operate in an environmentally responsible manner.